Currently looking for sellers and swappers for our first monthly art + craft + junk + supply sell and swap party! We are seeking art hoarders, rad crafters, punk-rock junkers, weirdo ephemera flippers and more!
Friday August 20th at Cranky Yellow
7pm till 12am
$10.00 for bums who just want to shop.
$5.00 if you bring some things to SWAP/BARTER/SELL!
Featuring 4 live DJ sets! (TBA)
We have a limited number of featured seller/swapper spots. These spots are $15.00 to reserve and are 6ft x 3ft for a b.y.o. table! EMAIL US VIA OUR CONTACT PAGE TO RESERVE A SPOT!
Featured seller/swappers are the ONLY PARTICIPANTS allowed to have table(s) and display(s).
Everyone else… It’s a FREE FOR ALL: SELL/SWAP/BARTER OFF!!! Old school with b.y.o. blanket for floor swapping!!!
See you there!