If you’re seeking high-end junk glamor, clinic let us introduce the work of RVOLOOSHN. We’re excited to start carrying some fantastically hip-trash accessories. Don’t miss the severed finger earrings, sovaldi sale bug earrings, melted plastic cuffs and rings, and jewel crusted club glasses.
This collection of FATASTICAL accessories is a great new addition to our glass case and should become part of your personal collection right now! Have you been looking for a way to out Gaga your friends? Then come in and grab a pair of jeweled snake shutter shades, they have a bejeweled slithery appeal that will leave you struttin’ like Medusa. Ruff!
Do you suffer from one of the following things?
1.)You’re looking for a fun Halloweeny accessory for all occasions but are only coming up empty handed?
2.)Love serial killers and want to show appreciation for their creepy asses in your jewelry?
3.)Like sporting severed phalanges from your ears but are tired of being questioned by Johnny Law?
If any of the following are hitting close to home come in and check out these severed finger and thumb earrings! They have the power to make you feel like a creepy badass everyday! They can satisfy your needs for Halloween, creepy ass, faux finger and thumb earrings! YES!