Bizarre Mo-Dettes

Oh dear Mo-Dettes, advice how I love this song, White Mice, and have watched the video 5 times this morning! It is 2012 so you have succeeded in lasting until today, despite your “primitive equipment”. I am glad you were not lost in the 80s!

Introduction from video:

“Shot with Ian H in an afternoon in the London College of Printing studio on very primitive equipment! All I have left is this very dodgy quality VHS – so with apologies for that – sit back and enjoy one of the most under-rated punk band of the 80s. All hail the Mo-Dettes!”


1979 Modettes

Cranky David
I started Cranky Yellow in 2005 and I haven't stopped for a moment moving forward. I oversee nearly everything CY related. In my free time I enjoy biology, crafting monsters and assorted philosophy.

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