SOLIPSIST is a short yet endlessly visual film directed by Andrew Thomas Huang. His career started when his dark sci-fi short film “Doll Face” went viral on YouTube, earning him attention from director J.J. Abrams along with catching the eye of numerous international festivals and galleries.
There is a dark subtle aspect to SOLIPSIST, though the colorful attributes lend a layer of playfulness on top. Combining original costuming, puppetry, special effects and snappy camera work, the film plays out like charmingly weird dream. The characters and soundtrack match so perfectly in their shocking jolting movements that it is possible to become entirely immersed in this world. Watching the film brings such creative gratification and inspiration. You will be transported and possibly ruptured with joy while experiencing this masterfully crafted work of art. The piece won the Special Jury Prize for Experimental Short at SLAMDANCE 2012 and it won’t be difficult for you to see why.