Sweat Lodge Collection

Adventure Collection

The sun is so big and hot. Earth is planet Sweat Lodge! Inspired by the spiritual tradition of Native Americans, I began to ponder the rituals that might be involved in a mondern day ceremony to worship, offer and appease the sun. Using the power of merchandise, lets get hot and sweaty!

Sweat Lodge Collection by Cranky Yellow

An offering of pink elephant fetus and handmade pink skull by artist Laura Tolley. The sun is majestic and brings both life and death to planet Sweat Lodge!

Sweat Lodge Collection by Cranky Yellow

Without the sun’s life giving properties, cultural peaks in recent human history (like the Beatles or Kodak film company) would never have occurred. Great logic and I’m glad the sun is so hot!

Sweat Lodge Collection by Cranky Yellow

Now for Neon Deer Antlers and Bull motif brooch. The beasts that graze are an important symbol of the sustaining power of the sun. As fields grow by absorbing the bright rays, so do the beasts chew and chew to sustain themselves; and so often we chew them to sustain ourselves. The cycle of life continues.

Sweat Lodge Collection by Cranky Yellow

Yet there are gods and monsters in the mythology of the sun. A cosmic struggle between good and evil. Depicted here by the “Thou shalt not steal” sentiment of this bank, and the growling face of a handmade doll by Hello Again Monsters.

Sweat Lodge Collection by Cranky Yellow

This Handcrafted pouch from Handmade Pretties represents the ingenuity of Human Kind to weave textiles; protecting ourselves when the sun cannot. The pencil in hand communicates our power of language without which we could not speak or share any praise for the sun.

Sweat Lodge Collection by Cranky Yellow

Even the sun itself is not infinite. It too must die. Another handcrafted skull by Laura Tolley mimics this death. I don’t think any of us are ready for our sun to explode, so lets be grateful for the now. A Tanxx box set to show just how awe-inspiring life on Planet Sweat lodge is currently! Long live the sun! Enjoy!

Cranky David
I started Cranky Yellow in 2005 and I haven't stopped for a moment moving forward. I oversee nearly everything CY related. In my free time I enjoy biology, crafting monsters and assorted philosophy.

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