Underwear on the Outside is Catchy and so Strange

Is this for children? I have no idea but you are going to need to watch this new video entitled Underwear on The Outside by the Fungineers! A pop rap balled the band describes as an “anthem of freedom”! You’ll find yourself shocked by the bright colors, scratching your head through all the undies and secretly humming the tune later in the day. Not to mention the puppets; like a kid’s show out of control. The super group conceptualized, recorded the song and shot the video in 3 days. That is a some dedicated and quick UNDERWEAR ON THE OUTSIDE! UNDERWEAR ON THE OUTSIDE!

The Fungineers as a performance group feature a musical menagerie the likes of MC’s Lil Dino, Doctah Aqua-Sock-ta-Puss, Flavatar, Baby Swagress and the Sillionaire, plus an always-expanding cast of Fun friends and guests galore! Knocking out videos like this one combined with live performances should convince you to take a moment to see what these wacky Funovators might do next. P.s Did you see this Fungineer concept art!? Nice + Enjoy!

Underwear on the Outside photo titled  "Imagine" - Courtesy of http://www.fungineers
Undnder Wear on the Outside "Imagine" - Courtesy of http://www.fungineers
Cranky David
I started Cranky Yellow in 2005 and I haven't stopped for a moment moving forward. I oversee nearly everything CY related. In my free time I enjoy biology, crafting monsters and assorted philosophy.

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